Monday, March 22, 2010


That's right, folks! I'm taking commissions! And they're only $30! Inked commissions on 8.5"x11" Bristol board! Full backgrounds? Partial Backgrounds? No backgrounds? One character? Multiple characters? It doesn't matter! All are a flat rate of $30! You can't find better deals than this anywhere! If you can, go there instead!, wait, that's not what I meant at all...

Do over!

If you find better deals anywhere else...I'll....MATCH it! Or do it cheaper! Yeah! That's more like it!

So yes. Commissions on 8.5"x11", full inked, however you want it, just $30!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Work! Eighth Wonder

So here's my newest piece. It's a character called Eighth Wonder from the independent comic Revolution of the Mask, written by Lewis Lovhaug (a.k.a. Linkara from Atop the Fourth Wall). The first two issues are available to download online for 72 cents. Check 'em out!

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