So my mom is a part-time math instructor at a few schools in Fulton County. At one of those schools, she was approached by the art teacher there. She (the art teacher) told my mom that she had a little boy who she was a mentor to who really liked comic books and Spider-Man. My mom then told her that I do a lot of superhero stuff; so the art teacher then got in touch with me to see if I'd do a little project for her: a comic of the little boy and his friend as Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk, respectively. She gave me some guidelines to go by in doing this, like the boys will "magically" become the two superheroes and go off to save a damsel in distress or something like that. But I took some creative license with this: adding Venom into the picture for some real conflict, and, just for kicks, a cameo by everyone's favorite intergalactic Watcher, Uatu, who transforms them. It just seemed more plausible to me then they just "magically" transform into Spider-Man and the Hulk.

Over all, I think this could've turned out better had I been given a little more time to work on it. I'm not too thrilled about how the perspective in the first panel turned out. I thought I had it, but perspective is quite teh hardness. I do like how the panels are paced and such. I was going to do more than one page, but since I'm sure this lady was, I assume, working with me on a budget, I had to make the best of what I could. All in all, it turned out all right. My lettering sucks though, so I apologize for that. I even made one mistake in the dialog; see if you can spot it.
Anywho, that's my latest piece there. And I think it goes without saying that I hold no claim over the registered trademarks of the characters in this piece. All rights are with Marvel Comics (or Disney, I suppose). This is piece is a personal commission that is not intended for commercial distribution. So Marvel/Disney, please don't sue!
Hope you all enjoyed it. Now it's back to the old-drawing board.
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